Future of Education Conference

Future of Education Conference



Our Work


Between the 27th and 28th of June, 2019, we participated in the Future of Education conference held by Pixel International Conferences in Italy, Florence. We wrote papers on technology and education and were accepted to participate in the conference, as the youngest members present. After the positive evaluation of the jury, our papers were all published in the conference magazine. Our team members contributed to the conference with the following papers:


Authors: Deniz Uzun - Cem Yurdusev

Motors in Theory and Real Life


Blended Classrooms with a New Scope: University and High School in the Same Classroom

Authors: Emrecan Aydogmus - Utku Öztekin

Cem and Deniz’s project was about an experiment they had conducted on VEX motors. After learning how to calculate the force applied by a motor in the elective Mechatronics course they took, they decided to put these calculations to use in real life conditions. However, after their experiments which were conducted following the SPARK method, suggested by VEX EDR, they realized that the values yielded by calculations were not the same as the results of their experiments. Their research suggested that the reason for this miscalculation was external factors that were not included in their calculations, such as friction. These externalities caused slight shifts in their calculations yielding different results. After this experience, Cem and Deniz, realized the importance of combining conceptual learning with application based learning and wrote their paper on this topic.

Emrecan and our mentor, Utku wrote a paper on the course offered by Hisar School and taught by Utku Öztekin, 'Introduction to Engineering' and the effects of the fused education method on students taking the course. Utku and Emrecan decided to write the paper together as the teacher of the course, and a student enrolled in the course to better reflect how the course is interpreted by both parties. In the article, they proved that the curriculum could be used in other schools by talking about how blended education would allow highschool students to receive a college level learning experience, how different challenges may occur, and the topics the students are satisfied by the most while also planning a course of action to achieve this goal.


Authors: Mehmet Erhan Güvenilir - Melis Olcay

Engineering Design Process in Education


Self-Driving Cars

Author: Selin Orbay

Mehmet and Melis wrote an article, focusing on the constantly developing world we live in, humans evolving alongside and the current educational plans that can’t keep up with it. In their essay,they claimed that the design process used by engineers would be the ideal solution that could easily fix daily complications that happen to everyone including themselves. While pointing out the convenience of the process, they also mentioned how it taught basic and necessary knowledge used in the 21st century. By explaining the scientific design process consisting of 11 steps, they intended to clarify the importance of it.

The fact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies, advancing at an astonishing speed, has started to merge with human communities and lives, playing a vital role is indisputable. Alongside the news regarding the development of AI, autonomous automobiles have started to get more attention. Selin, in her article “Self-Driving Cars” has conducted numerous experiments in order to discover ways to make autonomous automobiles, today’s and the future’s technologies, cheaper and more accessible by producing a prototype. Her goal was to find different courses of action to get these cars to be more adaptable to the existing societies. Afterwards, she explained why everyone should have access to these automobiles.

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